Incommunities is one of the largest housing providers in the region with over 22,000 social and affordable homes, and we employ nearly 1,000 people. Our properties are mainly located in the Bradford district – and this remains our base – however we also have homes in Kirklees, Wakefield and the Sheffield area and are developing more new homes in North and South Yorkshire.
As a not-for-profit organisation, our income is reinvested into the homes and communities in Bradford and the surrounding areas. Our aim is to provide a wide range of good quality, warm and affordable homes and to deliver high quality services that meet local people’s needs.
We also invest in our homes to make them more energy efficient and cheaper to run for our residents, as well as creating opportunities for local people and the local economy through our employment schemes and activities.
To find out more about our work go to
Incommunities Group The Quays Victoria Street Shipley BD17 7 BN
Resident enquiries: 0330 175 9540 8am- 6pm (emergency repairs service available 24/7)
Business enquiries: 01274 254000