Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership




We are the health and care partnership for Bradford District and Craven. We Act as One with the ambition of keeping people ‘happy, healthy at home’.

Act as One describes our approach for our health and care partnership for Bradford District and Craven that serves a population of around 666,000 people with a health and care workforce of around 33,000 supported by over 5,000 voluntary and community sector organisations. The partnership is made up of NHS, local authority, Healthwatch, community and voluntary and social enterprise sector organisations and independent care providers.

Our focus is on preventing ill health as much as possible. We will create opportunities that help people stay healthy, well, and independent and tackle inequalities across our communities. We will prioritise prevention and early intervention, fostering healthy lifestyles, self-care and nurturing active communities so that people are happier, healthier and more independent.

When people need care and support from our services, it will be easy to access, joined up, designed around their needs, and provided as close to where they live as possible.

We want people to be healthier, happier, and have access to high quality care that is clinically, operationally and financially stable. In other words we want our population to be as safe as possible when accessing care while ensuring we make the best use of our resources.

You can find out more about our strategy, our priorities and our board by visiting

Proud to be part of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

Our Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership is one of five place-based partnerships that make up the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, which is also described as our integrated care system.

Our West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership works in partnership with NHS organisations, councils, Healthwatch, hospices, charities and the community voluntary and social enterprise sector to improve the health and wellbeing of the 2.6 million people living across West Yorkshire (and those living in the Craven area).

The four strategic objectives of our West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership:

  • Reduce health inequalities: for example, if you’re a child or young person living in West Yorkshire, you are more than twice as likely to live in a poorer area than the average England resident.
  • Manage unwarranted variations in care: for example, timely identification of deterioration in the health of people with learning disabilities can reduce unnecessary hospital admissions, promote health positively and reduce premature mortality.
  • Secure the wider benefits of investing in health and care: for example, NHS investment in supporting local independent social care includes £12million for councils to pay the national living wage to help retain staff.
  • Use our collective resources wisely: with around £5bn to invest in people and communities and as the largest group of employers across the area, we’re ideally placed to develop good jobs for good health.

Find out more about our West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership


Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership
Scorex House (West),
1 Bolton Road,

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